Activate your Sigma workbooks in every business tool with Census

Katy Yuan
11 September 2023

At Census, we love helping you activate data — all data. Whether it comes from your data warehouse, data lake, or business intelligence (BI) application.

We’re excited to announce our newest integration with leading BI tool Sigma. Sigma is a cloud-native analytics platform that gives business users instant access to explore and get insights from their cloud data warehouse. Together, we empower businesses and teams to analyze data, activate insights, and make data-driven decisions seamlessly.

“Both Sigma and Census are on the shared journey of making data and data insights more accessible to all teams. With this new integration, our shared users can analyze metrics, derive insights, and then take action on critical data to increase revenue, improve return on ad spend, and make their business more successful.” 
— Justin Thomas, VP of Partnerships at Sigma

Sigma + Census: Better together

Together, Sigma and Census empower leading companies like Fivetran and Strategus to do more with their data. 

“Our ad ops managers can change a name in the Sigma Input Table, and automatically sync to The Trade Desk and Salesforce via Census and update the name there. What would have taken 20-30 seconds through the The Trade Desk API is down to one second with Sigma, resulting in huge time savings!”
— Mark Sussman, Director of Data and Analytics, Strategus

Mark and his team use Sigma and Census as part of their Modern Data Stack to create “real-time crosswalks” for their data across different platforms like Salesforce and The Trade Desk, allowing them to go from zero to accurate analysis at speed and scale.

Build once, reuse everywhere

Imagine you’ve spent hours building logic and analyses in Sigma. You’re thrilled because you’re finally able to visualize customer insights…but that’s just the first step. You still need to get those insights into the hands of marketing and sales teams so they can send targeted outreach, personalize engagement, and make data-driven decisions.

With the new Census + Sigma integration, anything defined or created in Sigma can be synced to your everyday business tools like HubSpot, Salesforce, Braze, Marketo, Google Ads, and 200+ other destinations. Exposing Sigma workbooks to Census as models keeps trustworthy data from the warehouse up-to-date in all your tools.

Here are some data-driven use cases you can achieve today by using Sigma with Census:

1. Reduce Customer Acquisition Costs with your Customer 360 data

Sigma has the power to analyze all of your touchpoints from your customers so you can define and track metrics like conversion rates, cost per lead, and return on ad spend. You can build a holistic view of each step of the customer funnel to identify the most cost-effective conversions.

Census takes analysis a step further and enables you to use that Customer 360 data to refine and personalize sales and marketing with the most complete customer insights. By leveraging all your unified first-party data, you can always target the right customer, with the right message, at the right time.

2. Personalize outreach across omnichannel campaigns

Marketing teams use Sigma for powerful, yet easy-to-use, data analysis to measure consumer behavior and preferences, enabling them to optimize campaigns. To meet consumer expectations, they need to deliver consistent and delightful brand experiences across all channels.

Census Audience Hub enables marketers to instantly unlock a wealth of customer data to sync audiences and insights across multiple marketing and advertising channels. Census automatically keeps customer information fresh in all tools when source data changes. The best part is, marketers no longer need code, manual CSV uploads, or engineering favors to launch smarter and faster campaigns.

3. Improve Lifetime Value by acting quickly on health scores

Sigma helps you understand how your customers interact with your website or app to identify upsell opportunities or churn risk. This data is valuable on its own, but by pairing it with Census, you can turn analysis into proactive outreach to engage accounts ahead of time.

Once you identify signals for at-risk customers, Census enables you to set up automated Slack alerts for accounts that reach a certain churn threshold, then trigger automated messaging based on those signals. Account managers and CSMs can improve customer satisfaction and boost net recurring revenue (NRR) by mitigating churn and taking advantage of upsell opportunities.

Get started

Check out this demo video to see how to connect Sigma and Census in just 5 minutes, plus a bonus use case on modeling cohorts in Braze!

For more information, visit our product documentation.

To start using Sigma and Census together, get a free trial of Census or sign up for a personalized onboarding session.