Announcing our Metaplane Integration: Understand how silent data bugs impact Reverse ETL Destinations

Katy Yuan
4 January 2024

The most advanced organizations serve business stakeholders in every department, using data from multiple sources and hundreds of data transformations. The Reverse ETL pipelines that activate data in downstream tools often directly impact end-customer experiences and drive revenue. With complex, mission-critical data workflows, it becomes even more important to manage data quality. 

That’s why we created features to help data teams ensure trustworthy data, such as:

  • Our suite of Reverse ETL Observability features - These include query-ready logs synced to your warehouse, live insights into API calls to Census destinations, and Sync Dry Runs that help you forecast changes in your destination apps.
  • CI checks for dbt model updates: This gives users proactive notifications if they’re about to make a change to model that would break Census workflows, to help avoid downtime.
  • Version control with GitLink: This is a bi-directional Git integration that makes data activation workflows completely manageable in code, enabling version control, testing, and peer review.

But we also know that complex data pipelines with different teams working asynchronously can have any number of unexpected changes. For example, you may need to change data transformation SQL in dbt when a business application begins supporting a new custom field. It can be hard to forecast every single incident that could occur, especially when speed is often critical for successful data teams.

Introducing: the Metaplane Integration with Census

Enabling data teams to quickly understand the impact of upstream data changes is why we chose to partner with Metaplane. Metaplane's new Census integration helps our users better understand when a data quality issue impacts Reverse ETL syncs to any of Census’s 200+ destinations. This becomes especially pertinent to users leveraging Live Syncs for real-time data activation, as it’s even more critical to use accurate data to tailor unique customer experiences based on real-time events.

Metaplane uses machine learning to identify data quality issues unique to your warehouse and integrated data stack. This helps to capture schema changes, data drift, and other data quality issues, such as an ingestion failure, without your team needing to maintain any tests. When an issue is discovered, Metaplane users can leverage the automated lineage graphs to understand what destinations are downstream of the table or column with a data quality issue.

In this example, you’ll see a view of data flows from a Fivetran database connector through the warehouse to Census destinations for Salesforce, HubSpot, and Braze.

Kevin Hu, CEO of Metaplane, says:

“We’re excited to support our customers moving to Real Time Activation with Census. Their dedication to data quality is something that we’re equally passionate about and appreciate their partnership to make this possible.”  

Boris Jabes, CEO at Census says:

“We’re proud to pioneer Real-Time Data Activation to unlock the potential of using customer data to tailor user journeys and respond to buying signals. We know data quality is important to ensure that end customers are getting the right messages and brand experiences, which is why we’re excited to support this latest integration with Metaplane.”

You can read more about the integration on Metaplane’s site here.

Getting Started

If you’re a current Metaplane customer and don’t yet have access to Census, sign up to chat with our team about the benefits of Real-Time Data Activation. You can also start a 14-day free trial here.

If you’d like to see this integration in action, Metaplane offers a free 14-day trial. If you’re a current Metaplane user, you can use this feature today - here’s a link to the setup docs!