Posts by : Jeff Sloan

Customer Stories
Built With Census Embedded: Labelbox Becomes Data Warehouse-Native
Jeff Sloan
8 April 2024
Labelbox imports data from data warehouses 24/7 for its customers, powered by Census Embedded
Best Practices
(Pt 3) Right time: Triggering time-sensitive emails with event data in HubSpot
Jeff Sloan
26 September 2023
Increase revenue by sending HubSpot emails at a relevant time using data in your data warehouse.
(Pt 2) Right message: Personalizing emails with product usage data in HubSpot
Jeff Sloan
24 August 2023
Data teams can drive revenue by helping marketing teams create sophisticated HubSpot email personalization with product usage data.
(Pt 1) Right person: Targeting active trial users with product data in HubSpot
Jeff Sloan
23 August 2023
Want to demonstrate you can drive revenue as a data team? Help your marketing team target active trial users in their Hubspot campaigns.
Best Practices
How ClickUp cut CAC by 50% with first-party data | Census
Jeff Sloan
22 August 2023
With the power of the cloud data warehouse and first-party data, ClickUp's data team cut customer acquisition costs in half.
Product News
GitLink: Version Control for Census
Jeff Sloan
31 May 2023
Census's Git integration brings software engineering best practices like version control, peer review, and testing to your data activation and Reverse ETL workflows. Get the benefits of both code and no-code to bridge the gap between self-service and governance, enabling collaboration between marketers and data teams.
Product News
Introducing dbt_census_utils: The first dbt macros for data activation | Census
Jeff Sloan
23 May 2023
Introducing dbt_census_utils, the first dbt package built for data activation to support reverse ETL use cases.
Product News
Git-backed Models: Use Git to govern your Reverse ETL workflows | Census
Jeff Sloan
7 March 2023
Announcing Git-backed Models, a bi-directional Git integration that brings software development best practices to Reverse ETL workflows - peer review, version control, and auditability. Now you can govern your activation flows as seamlessly as the rest of your data stack.
Product News
Alerting where it matters – Our integration with Datadog | Census
Jeff Sloan
3 March 2023
Introducing our new Datadog integration to help data teams guarantee the health of their business-critical pipelines. Centralize your monitoring within Datadog and create customized alerts for all your reverse ETL syncs. Stay ahead of data surprises!
Product News
Census now available on EU servers, ensuring GDPR compliance
Jeff Sloan
30 August 2022
Customers can now choose to process all their data within the European Union (EU). Establishing European data residency is part of Census’s commitment to data handling best practices and meeting the latest security and privacy standards, especially GDPR.