Posts by : Tyler Mucci

Product News
Leveraging Census to accelerate Braze projects, in partnership with Massive Rocket
Tyler Mucci
18 October 2023
3x faster time-to-value & better business outcomes with Massive Rocket, a top global Braze consultancy.
Customer Stories
How Ragnarok Deployed a Personalized Loyalty Program for Upside with Census + Iterable
Tyler Mucci
13 September 2023
Financial platform Upside deployed a personalized loyalty program that improved CTR by 96%, with the help of solutions partner Ragnarok and martech platforms Census and Iterable.
Best Practices
What to consider when bringing in data consultants
Tyler Mucci
3 April 2023
Not sure what levers to pull to optimize your data analytics and grow your business? Unlock your data potential with these expert tips on hiring a consultant.
Product News
Census is in HubSpot’s Automation Apps Collection | Census
Tyler Mucci
14 July 2022
Big news! Census was selected to be part of the Automation Apps Collection in HubSpot's App Marketplace, making us one of the featured data sync apps for Marketing teams! Here's what that means.