Census + Postgres: Enrich data with warehouse insights

Katy Yuan
12 April 2022

Customers already use our integration with Postgres as a source to sync data to downstream business tools. Today, we’re thrilled to announce Postgres as a destination!

Syncing to an application database like Postgres opens up a whole new world of company-wide use cases. Production systems like OLTP databases are generally internal-facing and not used for direct customer interactions in the way that external-facing sales, marketing, and success tools are.

Now, data and ops teams using Census can drive more relevant product interactions by syncing modeled data from the warehouse back into app databases for action and automation.

💪 What can I do with Census + Postgres?

For Canva, a digital design collaboration platform, Census + Postgres opens up internal use cases like pushing data warehouse insights to the Canva app.

“Imagine a customer wants to see ‘Most commonly used templates.’ Right now, that integration involves an analytics engineer, a data engineer, and back end & front end development to display that information in the app. Instead, serving data to the product itself with Census lowers that barrier of entry for pushing out analytics to the product and opens it up to more people."

✨ Operations and development teams can self-serve with data in the warehouse and automate internal and external workflows such as:

  • Enriching 360º customer profiles in-app with data context from all their tools, so teams don't have to go to 5 different places to understand their customers.
  • Enabling data teams to influence products faster by empowering them to sync modeled and transformed data straight into their apps.
  • Sharing data with clients by pushing product data in the warehouse to a Postgres database for easier sending and collaboration.

What is Postgres?

Postgres, also known as PostgreSQL, is one of the most-loved databases for developers and data professionals. It’s known for being extensible and feature-rich with advanced SQL and JSON capabilities, high performance for complex queries, and strong community support.

To get started, see the Census + Postgres documentation or check out all of our other destinations.

Start syncing to Postgres for free 🎉