Ever wish you could read your prospects' minds? While we haven't cracked telepathy yet, we've built something almost as good. In this post (and accompanying video tutorial), I'll show you how Census uses AI to transform raw website analytics into actionable marketing insights.
The Challenge: Beyond Basic Analytics
We've all been there – staring at website analytics, trying to divine meaning from page views and bounce rates. Are visitors actually interested in your new feature, or did they just get lost in your site architecture? Traditional analytics tell you what happened, but not why it matters.
The Solution: A Three-Step Process
Here's how we use Census AI Columns to transform raw page views into actionable insights about prospect interests.
Step 1: Automated Page Categorization
Using Census AI Columns, we categorize every URL based on its content with this prompt:
Analyze the text from { { record['PAGE_URL'] } } and categorize it by selecting the most relevant category based on the presence of specific keywords. Return only the category name without any extra text or explanations.
- Review the { { record['PAGE_URL'] } } text thoroughly.
- Match the content to one of the categories below, based on the presence of keywords.
Categories and Keywords:
- Operational Analytics Awareness: [“operational-analytics”]
- CDP Essentials Campaign: [“cdp”, “customer-360”, “data-warehouse”]
- Data Warehouse Activation: [“data-warehouse”, “snowflake”, “google-sheets”]
- Mastering Reverse ETL: [“reverse-etl”, “etl”, “sync”]
- Customer Success Stories: [“customer-stories”]
- Machine Learning Lead Scoring: [“machine-learning”, “lead-scoring”]
- Data Engineering Lifecycle: [“data-engineering”]
- Data Enrichment Awareness: [“data-enrichment”]
- Composable CDP Promotion: [“composable-cdp”]
- Entity Resolution Best Practices: [“entity-resolution”]
- SQL Tutorial Series: [“sql”, “tutorial”, “aggregate”]
- Tech Interview Improvement: [“technical-interviews”]
- Data Activation with dbt: [“dbt”]
- Boosting E-commerce Targeting: [“ecommerce”, “ad-targeting”]
If none of the keywords match, return General Campaign.
Example Input:
PAGE_URL: { { record['PAGE_URL'] } }
Expected Output:
Only return the most relevant category name, such as CDP Essentials Campaign.
Pro Tip: Custom Campaign Categories
Your marketing team can maintain full control by adding custom campaign categories directly in HubSpot. Simply add a campaign category to any page, and if no category exists, our GPT analysis will fill in the gaps. This hybrid approach ensures both automation and accuracy.
Step 2: Building the Activity Dataset
This SQL query transforms individual page views into meaningful patterns:
WITH source AS (
categories.census_third_party_result_column AS categories
census_on_census.production.census_page_views AS pv
census.census.dataset_column_gpt_fe4891a7_5a86_4494_b89b_3ff82cbf3e05 AS categories
categories.census_third_party_unique_id_column = pv.page_url
pv.user_id BETWEEN 1 AND 500
'page_url', page_url,
'categories', categories,
'happened_at', happened_at
) AS page_views
Step 3: Identifying Primary Interests
The final AI Column analyzes these patterns:
Analyze the { { record['PAGE_VIEWS'] } } JSON array for each { { record['USER_ID'] } } to uncover the single most relevant overarching theme of interest, inferred from the page_url data. Use category information as supporting context to refine your understanding but prioritize identifying the primary theme that reflects the account’s broader interests.
- Analyze the URLs and associated categories to infer a single, overarching theme that represents the account’s dominant area of interest or concern.
- Return only the top theme in a concise and descriptive manner, avoiding duplication or overly narrow categorizations.
- { { record['PAGE_VIEWS'] } } JSON array containing page_url and category data for each account ID.
Output Format:
For each account ID, provide the top theme in plain text format:
Output Example:
Data Activation with dbt
Making It Actually Useful
The real power comes from turning these insights into action. Here's how it works end-to-end:
- Analyze: Our AI Columns analyze visitor behavior and identify their primary interests
- Sync: Census automatically syncs these themes to HubSpot (or one of our 200+ destinations)
- Automate: HubSpot uses these themes to enroll prospects in the most relevant sequence based on their actual interests
For example, if our analysis shows a prospect is primarily interested in Data Activation with dbt, they'll automatically receive content tailored to that topic instead of generic marketing messages.
The result? Marketing automation that finally responds to what people want to learn about, not what we think they should care about. No more spray-and-pray email sequences – just targeted content that matches each prospect's demonstrated interests.
Want to Build This Yourself?
We've made all of this possible with Census AI Columns - our tool for adding AI-powered enrichment directly in your data workflow. Want to see it in action? Check out our AI Columns page to learn how to build intelligent, automated workflows for your marketing team.