How Boll & Branch's customer segmentation drives better direct mail campaigns
Boll & Branch has built direct mail campaigns with the kind of customer segmentation usually reserved for email — with Census making it easy to get data from the warehouse to PebblePost.
Boll & Branch sells luxury home goods through both ecommerce and its retail locations. As a company, Boll & Branch focuses on artisanally crafted bed linens made with ethical manufacturing processes.
Able to deliver segmented recipient lists for targeted direct mail campaigns
Enriched user profiles available for both direct mail and email marketing
Time-savings of 4-5 hours per week for the data team
“Census is a huge time saver. It saves us 4-5 hours a week on building integrations, creating and maintaining pipelines, and troubleshooting for different business use cases.”
Robert Hill
Analytics Engineering Manager
From your data warehouse to all your apps, customers, and agents.
Without code or CSVs.
Start using Census today by booking a demo with one of our experts.