How Mixpanel uses Reverse ETL to achieve Product-Led Growth

With Adam Kinney, VP of Analytics

When Mixpanel started using Census, data from different parts of the company was stuck in silos. Mixpanel is a leader in product analytics, but their own product usage data wasn't getting to the commercial teams that needed it. Reverse ETL helped them break down the silos.

Industry: B2B, Product Analytics, SaaS

Team: Data, Product

Use cases: Lead routing, Product metrics in CRM, Product-Led growth

Featured integrations: BigQuery, Google SheetsMixpanelPostgresRedshiftSalesforceVitallyZendesk, Custom Destination

Mixpanel is a product analytics company that’s passionate about data-driven decisions — for themselves and their customers. Their product analytics platform enables companies to engage and retain users by understanding the users’ product patterns and behaviors.

  1. Allowed the Sales team to flag ideal customers from sign-ups and establish relationships early

  2. Uncovered the value of their user sign-up flow

  3. Identified new use cases for the data they’re already collecting

“Census helps us rapidly prototype data and use trusted dbt models created by our data team. It's transforming the way we operate because we're able to sync a lot of data to our Go-to-Market teams, like ICP models for our sales reps.”
Adam Kinney

VP of Analytics

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How Mixpanel puts data into action

An example of how Mixpanel uses data activation and reverse ETL for product-led growth

From your data warehouse to all your apps, customers, and agents.

Without code or CSVs.

Start using Census today by booking a demo with one of our experts.

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