Data for Everyone
B2B B2C Product-led Growth


If you're in RevOps, you might need to analyze customer data to identify upsell and cross-sell opportunities. Or, maybe you're in Customer Success and you need to quickly identify trends in customer complaints to improve your team's response.

Either way, you need fresh, up-to-date data to inform these high-quality, operational decisions.

SQL is (more often than not) the proposed solution. There's just one, small problem: Many non-technical team members struggle to utilize SQL. After all, it requires specialized knowledge and inherently technical skills.

This ultimately creates a barrier to accessing and utilizing valuable data that can help teams across the organization make informed decisions.

However, non-technical employees can use Census to enable easy Data Activation and empower themselves to create their own views of up-to-date data in Google Sheets.

These are the ten customer fields that you'll need to get started:

Customer Field Field Description
customer_id Unique identifier for each customer
order_date Date of the customer's purchase
product_name Name of the product purchased by the customer
product_id Unique identifier for each product
quantity Number of items purchased
price Price of the product
discount Discount applied to the purchase
revenue Total revenue generated from the purchase
customer_name Name of the customer
email Email address of the customer

Use Case

With these 10 fields from your data source, Census, and Google Sheets, you can now:

  1. Identify top-selling products. Marketing can identify which products are selling the most and adjust their marketing strategies accordingly to boost sales.
  2. Analyze customer purchase patterns. Sales can analyze customer purchase patterns to identify upsell and cross-sell opportunities and increase revenue.
  3. Track customer complaints. Customer support can identify trends in customer complaints and improve their team's response to enhance customer satisfaction.
  4. Monitor revenue growth. RevOps can monitor revenue growth over time to identify areas where they can focus their efforts to increase revenue.

To enable anyone (technical and non-technical alike) to activate their data, follow these steps:

  1. Connect Census to your data source.
  2. Select the 10 customer fields (above) that you want to use.
  3. Create a view in Census that filters and aggregates your data based on your use case.
  4. Connect the view to Google Sheets using Census' Google Sheets integration.
  5. Customize the view in Google Sheets to match your team's needs.

What's next?

Once you've created all your views in Google Sheets, there are tons of other use cases to explore. For example, you can use the data to create targeted marketing campaigns, analyze customer retention rates, or track customer lifetime value. Check out our complete Data Activation Playbook to explore more use cases.

Destination Guides

Google Sheets


Unsure how to implement your use case?

Schedule a call with us to discuss!