

Did you know that the typical cart abandonment rate in e-commerce is nearly 88%? That means 88% of all online shopping carts are abandoned before the customer ever completes a sale. 

This is a huge source of lost revenue for e-commerce businesses, especially since retailers that try retargeting customers with the traditional “abandoned cart emails” see meager 3%-14% conversion rates.

Cart abandonment is one of the problems that's been bothering e-commerce retailers and marketers alike. The scenario is pretty common: A consumer visits an e-commerce website, adds things to their carts, and then, for whatever reason, they just forget it without completing the checkout process.

Now, there's an actually effective way to re-engage those abandoned shopping carts. Re-engaging abandoned cart users with Braze email campaigns is a great way to increase sales and customer loyalty. According to Braze, email marketing remains one of the most effective marketing channels, boasting an ROI as high as 42:1. 

So, by sending personalized emails to customers who have abandoned their carts, you can remind them of the items they were interested in and encourage them to complete their purchase.

Use Case

With Census data activation, you can automate abandoned cart recovery. Leverage all of your first-party data in your source of truth Đ the data warehouse Đ to send hyper-personalized follow-up email campaigns in Braze. 

Here's how to send abandoned cart emails in Braze:

  1. Connect your data source. This can be a data warehouse like Snowflake, BigQuery, Redshift, or Databricks. Or a database like Postgres, SQL Server, or MySQL
  2. Connect Braze as your destination application, or choose from 100+ other SaaS tools.
  3. Map fields to sync customer data. You can even use a custom audience list created in Census Segments.
  4. Set up your abandoned intent canvas in Braze and use your customer data imported from Census as your entry audience.

Braze Email also helps you track customer behavior and tailor your emails to their interests, so you can ensure that your subject lines and accompanying messages are both relevant and engaging. This improves the customer experience, further increasing customer loyalty and engagement.

Destination Guides



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